' Wine and cheese pairing - VanArnam Vineyards
What wine do I pair with my cheese?

How do I decide what wine goes with my cheese?

Wine and cheese lovers have been perfect friends for ages. Here’s some advice on what wine to pair with your cheese or what cheese pair with your wine. Pair wines and cheeses with equal intensity – a lighter wine like a Pinot Noir will not overwhelm a delicate Gruyere. Sparkling wines go great with creamy cheese like Brie and Camembert. Pair those aged cheeses like cheddar and parmigiano with a bold red. The increased fat content in the aged cheese is balanced by the high-tannins in a Cabernet or Syrah. What to do with those funky cheeses? Pair them with sweeter whites like Moscato – the sweetness will balance the strong flavors in the cheese. When in doubt wines from the same regions pair well together. An example here is a Sauvignon Blanc with Goat Cheese – both from the Loire Valley, France. Lastly if you are serving several wines, choose a firm nutty cheese like Gouda or Edam. If all this is making your mouth water, we have cheese tasting in our Zillah tasting room this weekend. Come and see us!

Post By:   Allison VanArnam