' Is Wine Fattening - VanArnam Vineyards
Is Wine Fattening?

Is wine fattening?

A typical glass of wine has around 120-150 calories and no fat. Our bodies metabolize alcohol calories different than food calories and the liver is involved. Not all of the calories in wine get absorbed into the body. This just means that alcohol calories are  more forgiving than ice cream calories. Here are some tips to have your wine and drink it too. Earn your wine – take a walk first or better yet, walk to the local wine bar to meet a friend. Don’t drink before you eat – alcohol increases your appetite. Drink dry red wine for the antioxidants. Spend a little more on wine to put intention and value on what you are drinking. Like all things moderation is the best path – some of the longest living people drink 1-2 glasses of red wine a day. Cheers!

Post By:   Allison VanArnam