' What is veraison? - VanArnam Vineyards
Veraison - what is that?

Mid to late summer, the coolest thing in the vineyards starts happening – the grapes begin to turn purple. This process is called Veraison (pronounced “ver-ay-shon”). Red grapes get a rush of beautiful reddish-purple and white grapes start to move from green to golden. When veraison commences, the vine starts to transport its energy stores from the roots into the grapes. The chlorophyll is replaced by anthocyanins (red grapes) or carotenoids (white grapes), sugars, and other nutrients. After veraison, the grapes begin to dramatically increase in size as they accumulate sugars (glucose and fructose measured in Brix) and start to develop aroma compounds. Also during this time, the acid levels begin to fall in the grapes. Acids continue to fall and sugars continue to rise until the grapes are perfectly in balance and ready to be harvested. Once veraison hits, winemakers generally have about 6 weeks until harvest. The countdown is on.

Post By:   Allison VanArnam