' How is Cabernet Franc different from Cabernet Sauvignon - VanArnam Vineyards
How is Cabernet Franc different from Cabernet Sauvignon

How is Cabernet Franc different from Cabernet Sauvignon?

Cab Franc, as we call it, is a different varietal than Cabernet Sauvignon. Cab Franc was brought to the Loire Valley in the 18th Century and planted at the Abbey of Bourgueil. In 1997, DNA evidence emerged to show that Cabernet Franc had crossed with Sauvignon blanc to produce Cabernet Sauvignon, so Cab Franc is an ancestor to the Cabernet Sauvignon grape. In most of the world, Cabernet Franc is used as a blending grape, added to Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot to beef up the color, fortify the tannins and introduce darker flavor notes of roasted coffee and truffle to Bordeaux blends. Cabernet Franc ripens a week earlier and is lighter than Cabernet Sauvignon,making a bright pale red wine that contributes finesse and lends a peppery perfume to blends with more robust grapes. In Washington, Cab Franc is noted for it’s spicy notes, mellow coffee and intense blueberry flavors. Cheers to Cabernet Franc!

Post By:   Allison VanArnam